
Our Sixth Sense - Humor

It's a timely reminder in these few hectic weeks. Thank you, it's very comforting.

Sending e-card these days is like telling your buddies you're still a big fan of Backstreet Boys. Not a very cool thing to do. Yet I found this atypical e-card site РSomeecard, which is worth our reconsideration. No clich̩ sentimentality, but healthy banters, plain sarcasm, and something slightly over the top to someone's taste.

Still not fancy sending? At least you can copy a few satirical remarks that might come in handy.

For example, "Congratulations on having just enough Facebook friends to appear popular, but not needy."

Mark Twain said, "Humor is mankind's greatest blessing."

For the sake of yourselves and all fellow human beings, acquire the skill.

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