
Giorgio Morandi Revisit

Recently, I found that this blog got a lot of traffics coming from Google image search, and they all directed to my older post on Giorgio Morandi.
For some mysterious reasons, my own painting "unofficially" became a Morandi painting on the Google image search. (It's on the third page, not bad uh?)
It's quite gratifying.
Apparently, some people was looking for a Morandi painting and saw mine.
"Toilet rolls by Morandi?"
"That's unheard of."

About this WWW, I observed:
1. By just a fraction of uniqueness, image generates more clicks and traffics than word.
2. You don't need to find the audience, the audience will find you.
3. The rest is a mystery.


Marisa Polin said...

Your toilet painting and story are nice. Here my contribution:

PATRICK LO said...

Thank you for putting me over the top!