
That's cute!

"That's cute!" – the compliments I've got wearing this tee lately. All from females.

This struck me that females, even in their thirties, adore cute things. I know a few friends who still keep stuffed animal by their side. They talk to them, sleep with them, and even goto gym with them. Once my friend was taken aback when someone introduced her little buddy to her.

Advertisers can use more cutie stuffs when talking to our ladies. Why not? It's immature, too playful and not "corporate" enough? Who cares? Apparently except the marketing people. And ironically they are largely female (Just ask how many cute merchandises on their office desk).

We may not be as Kawaii-laden as the Japanese, but surely we are not as grown-up as we think we are.

Loosen up a bit, stay a little younger. What's wrong with that?

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