Attended a conference yesterday, there's a question about what's the goal we wanted to achieve in life. Not surprisingly, roughly 80% said they wanted to be rich.
Apparently, we all think somehow we are poor or at least not as well off as we would like to be (I'm no exception).
Came across this site: the Global Rich List.
Type in your annual income and you'll see where you would sit on a global scale.
See if you feel differently.
How rich do you feel?
At the moment, stop-motion seems to be the in thing, here're 2 pieces which caught my eyes.
me VS the WORLD
Surfing through the WWW, left me with just one feeling – absolute despair.
Too much to learn, too little ti/me.
Incurable Is Nothing
Sore throat is something incurable. At least that's what I thought up until today. As far as I can remember, you could never stop it before it inevitably led to coughing, sneezing or even worse – fever.
Last week, funny enough, for the first time in my life I went to see doctor because of a sore throat. Yes, just a sore throat! But deep down I thought it's not going to help. Why? You may ask. It's not cancer, AIDS or anything! Well, my experience convinced me that "oh shit, bad, going to be sick, again."
I found no alternative plot in my past.
The truth is: I could not do anything about it because I had never tried to do anything about it.
Now, that vicious cycle breaks. I'll go see doctor every time I've got a sore throat.
Impossible is not always nothing (Adidas will disagree), but many times, it's something only in our mind.
Autumn in Spring
That's cute!
Advertisers can use more cutie stuffs when talking to our ladies. Why not? It's immature, too playful and not "corporate" enough? Who cares? Apparently except the marketing people. And ironically they are largely female (Just ask how many cute merchandises on their office desk).
We may not be as Kawaii-laden as the Japanese, but surely we are not as grown-up as we think we are.
Loosen up a bit, stay a little younger. What's wrong with that?
The Omnipresence of Pun
Strolling around Central, found these 2 pieces of sign. If you know Cantonese, you'll see how the puns work.
"FORM PRINT" => "CONVENIENT" (in Cantonese)
"WRONG design" => "KING" of design
We call it "食字" (literally means "eating word") in Hong Kong. Arguably, THE most overused ad copy trick in the past decade and there seems no stopping.
Young@Heart sing "Fix You"
I've got goosebumps watching this. Can't quite put my feelings into words. The magic is that such a beautiful song about lost, failure and hope was sung by an elderly man approaching life's end.
When I first listened to this song by Coldplay, near the end, I thought it's like:
"...Tears stream down your face, UPON THE SEA WHERE I will learn from my mistakes..."
And tears filled my eyes.
But I found out later in fact it's "...I PROMISE YOU I will learn from my mistakes..."
I'll stick with my wrong impression though.
Love this guy's works. You can goto here to see more of his street art. And this is an interesting note I found on his site:
blowing plastic bag
Remember in the movie "American Beauty", there's a scene of how the boy next door Ricky Fitts discovers the beauty of a plastic bag blowing in the wind. Here you are, same ingredients plus a bit of imagination, a dragon comes to live on the street of New York.